What things to consider for a meeting?- Effective meeting practices


This blogpost is all about "meeting." But, wait! this wouldn't be covering the long, intricate, and un-understandable approaches. Instead, we'll look through the small parameters that end up being the cause of the success or failure of a meeting session. Now let's dig into see what things to consider for a meeting?

                                     Calling a meeting:

It usually seems to be a marvelous idea to get a consensus over a project or a proposal. For this, being a facilitator, you straight away call out a meeting, make everyone sit together, and make them feel tired. Why I'm saying this is because sometimes you don't need a meeting. Maybe an email or a call works best.  When the meeting's agenda is set only to "inform" some news or decision, why not just email it? That's one aspect. You may decide on your own for what purpose you want to call an hour-long meeting or when to simply inform. 

                              What's the meeting about?

Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish in the meeting. What are the goals?  Design a meeting agenda for this purpose and also share it with your employees( people attending the meeting) to make sure everyone's on the same page. 

                              Who should be invited?

 Calling too much staff for a meeting session would be a bad idea in a sense of creating chaos and disorganization. A great intellect to be put in here is to get a team of mixed ages and experiences. You know what people at your office have what level of experience and who are passionate to work. Select the aged ones to have some experienced guidelines and some young, passionate workers to upgrade your idea. The mix of spark and experience will give a peak rise to the chances of achieving your meeting agenda more efficiently. 


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